This step by step guide is a great Hajj – companion that would enable you to perform your Hajj in the most correct and authentic way.
As you begin your Hajj journey, you must not forget that Hajj is an important act of worship in Islam and like every act of worship, Hajj must be done:
Moreover, we do understand that for many, travelling to Al Haramain (Makkah and Madeenah) would be their first major trip, which means that there would be a lot of uncertainties. Hence, a key aim of this guide is to ease the anxiety and fear that some of the pilgrims might have about the difficulties involved in performing Hajj.
Lastly, although this step by step guide is intended to be a handy reference, it does not absolve you from studying about Hajj and its virtues and preparing yourself for this great act of worship. So please do your due diligence prior to embarking upon this noble journey.
“Labbayk Allaahumma Hajj“
“O Allah, I am responding to your call by making Hajj”
You can now start to recite the Talbiyah.
“La ilaaha illallaahu, wahdahu la sharika lahu, Lahul mulk wa lahul hamd, wahua ala kulli shayin qadeer“
“There is no true god except Allah. He is One and He has no partner with Him; His is the sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is powerful over everything.”
* Make sure you don’t leave Arafat before Maghrib, if you do so your whole Hajj is nullified and you have to make a sacrifice.
* No one should leave Muzdalifah before Fajr without a legitimate excuse, only women, old and the weak are allowed.
* You may collect the pebbles (small stones) for Rami-e-Jamarat from here as well. You would be required to stone the Jamarat al Aqabah with seven pebbles. It is advisable to carry more pebbles than needed so as to avoid losing or misthrowing some of them.
* If it is not easy to go to Mash’ar al Haraam, one should make du’aa’ from where he is. While reciting the Adhkaar and making Du’a one should raise the hands and stand facing in the direction of Kaabah.
* The Sunnah when stoning Jamarat al Aqabah is to face the Jamarat with Makkah to one’s left hand side and Mina to one’s right.
After stoning the Jamarah, you have an option to start with any of the following rituals: Slaughtering, Shaving Head, Making Tawaaf al Ifadah.
After finishing any two of the above rituals you may take off the Ihraam and put on your normal clothes. But do remember that at this phase all the prohibitions of Ihraam state are no longer applicable. One can resume normal life except for sexual intercourse.
* You can perform this ritual of slaughtering on any of the four days, i.e. 10th, 11th, 12th and the 13th, but not after the sunset of 13th.
* Perform Tawaaf & Sa’ee in the same manner as described in the Umrah section. Also offer two Rakaat Salaah behind Makaam-e-Ibraheem.
* It is usually very crowded during Tawaaf, so be patient & calm and help others.
* After finishing Tawaaf and Sa’ee then come’s the second stage of exiting Ihraam, after which everything becomes permissible which was forbidden whilst in Ihraam.
* This order should be followed on all the three days during the stay in Mina.
* Tawaaf al Wada is to be performed in the same manner as discussed earlier. Kindly Note there is No Ramal (brisk walk) and Idhtiba (exposing the shoulder in this Tawaaf).