Ask About Hajj


This step by step guide is a great Hajj – companion that would enable you to perform your Hajj in the most correct and authentic way.

As you begin your Hajj journey, you must not forget that Hajj is an important act of worship in Islam and like every act of worship, Hajj must be done:

  1. For the right cause – for the sake of Allaah alone and not to show off, to enhance one’s reputation or for any other worldly gain.

  2. In the right manner – according to the teachings of the Glorious Qur’an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Moreover, we do understand that for many, travelling to Al Haramain (Makkah and Madeenah) would be their first major trip, which means that there would be a lot of uncertainties. Hence, a key aim of this guide is to ease the anxiety and fear that some of the pilgrims might have about the difficulties involved in performing Hajj.

Lastly, although this step by step guide is intended to be a handy reference, it does not absolve you from studying about Hajj and its virtues and preparing yourself for this great act of worship. So please do your due diligence prior to embarking upon this noble journey.

  1. Tamattu
    Tamattu’ means entering ihraam for ‘Umrah only during the months of Hajj (the months of Hajj are Shawwaal, Dhu’l-Qi’dah and Dhu’l-Hijjah). When the pilgrim reaches Makkah he performs Tawaaf and Sa’ee for Umrah, and shaves his head or cuts his hair, and exits Ihraam. Then when the day of al-Tarwiyah, which is the 8th of Dhu’l-Hijjah, comes, he enters Ihraam for Hajj only, and does all the actions of Hajj. So Tamattu involves a complete Umrah and a complete Hajj.

  2. Ifrad
    Ifraad means entering Ihraam for Hajj only. When the pilgrim reaches Makkah he performs Tawaaf al-Qudoom (Tawaaf of arrival) and sa’ee for Hajj, but he does not shave or cut his hair and does not exit Ihraam, rather he remains in Ihraam until he exits Ihraam after stoning Jamarat al-‘Aqabah on the 10th Dhul Hijjah. If he delays the Sa’ee of Hajj until after the Tawaaf of Hajj, there is nothing wrong with that.

  3. Qiraan
    Qiraan means entering Ihraam for Umrah and Hajj both together. Or entering Ihraam for Umrah first then including Hajj in that before starting the Tawaaf of Hajj. That is done by intending that his Tawaaf and Sa’ee will be for both Hajj and Umrah.The actions done in Qiraan are the same as those done in Ifraad, except that the pilgrim doing Qiraan has to offer a Hady (sacrifice) whereas the pilgrim doing Ifraad does not.

  • The best of these three types of Hajj is Tamattu.
    Even though the Prophet himself did not perform Hajj Tamattu, he enjoined upon his companions and urged them to do Hajj Tamattu. He (ﷺ) said “Were it not that I have brought the hadiy with me, I would do what I have commanded you to do.” [Saheeh Muslim, Book of Hajj, Hadith 1211]
The Manasik (Rites) of Hajj are discussed according to Hajj-e-Tamattu method. In Hajj-e-Tamattu one performs Umrah first and then exits the state of Ihraam and on 8th Dhul Hijjah wears the Ihraam again and performs Hajj.

  • IHRAAM – Take a bath (Ghusl), apply some perfume and put on your Ihraam.

  • NIYYAH – Recite the Niyyah after putting on the Ihraam.

لَبَّيْك اللَّحُمَّ حَجًّا

Labbayk Allaahumma Hajj

O Allah, I am responding to your call by making Hajj

You can now start to recite the Talbiyah.

  • MOVING TO MINA – Go to the area of Mina before Zuhr. [This is about 8 Km to the East of Makkah].

  • 5 DAILY PRAYERS AT MINA – You should observe Qasr i.e. Shorten your only 4 Rakaah prayers to 2 Rakaah but do not join your prayers and perform them at the appointed time with the congregation.

  • STAYING AT MINA – Spend your night at Mina and leave for Arafat after sunrise on the next day, i.e. the 9th Dhul-Hijjah.
  • MOVING TO ARAFAT – After the sunrise of 9th Dhul-Hijjah, go to Arafat [which is about 14 Km from Mina] reciting the Talbiyah.

  • OFFERING SALAAH AT MASJID-E-NAMIRAH – Before entering the plain of Arafat, it’s recommended that you halt at the valley of Namirah, listen to the Khutbah of the Imaam of the Hajj ( which would be given around noon time) and then offer the 2 Rakaat of Zuhr & the 2 Rakaat of Asr (i.e. by Shortening & Combining them) under one Adhaan & two Iqamah.[This staying at the Masjid-e-Namirah is a Sunnah and not an obligatory act.]

  • STANDING NEAR JABAL AR-RAHMAH (MOUNT OF MERCY) – After the prayers, enter the plain of Arafat. Though it is recommended to be on the mountain of Rahmah, it is not necessary as it is crowded.Spend the whole day praising Allah & glorifying Him,Ask Allah for forgiveness and guidance.Make sincere repentance. Make Du’a for Muslims.All of these Adhkaar & Du’a should be done raising the hands and facing the Qiblah even if the mountain of ‘Arafah is behind him, as the Sunnah is to face the Qiblah, not the mountain.Frequently recite the following Du’a,

لَا إِلهَ إِلَّا اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ،لَهُ المُلْكُ وَلَهُ الحَمْدُ وهُوَ عَلى كُلِّ شَيءٍ قَديرٌ

La ilaaha illallaahu, wahdahu la sharika lahu, Lahul mulk wa lahul hamd, wahua ala kulli shayin qadeer

There is no true god except Allah. He is One and He has no partner with Him; His is the sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is powerful over everything.

  • LEAVING FOR MUZDALIFAH – After sunset leave for Muzdalifah [5 to 6 Km from Arafat to Muzdalifah] without offering Maghrib Salaah. Also start reciting the Talbiyah.

* Make sure you don’t leave Arafat before Maghrib, if you do so your whole Hajj is nullified and you have to make a sacrifice.

  • REACHING MUZDALIFAH – After reaching Muzdalifah offer Maghrib & Isha Salaah shortened & combined with one Adhaan & two Iqamah.

  • STAYING AT MUZDALIFAH – Sleep well at Muzdalifah and offer your Fajr Salaah at its early time (on 10th Dhul-Hijjah).

* No one should leave Muzdalifah before Fajr without a legitimate excuse, only women, old and the weak are allowed.

* You may collect the pebbles (small stones) for Rami-e-Jamarat from here as well. You would be required to stone the Jamarat al Aqabah with seven pebbles. It is advisable to carry more pebbles than needed so as to avoid losing or misthrowing some of them.

  • GOING MASH’AR AL-HARAAM – After offering Fajr Salaah in its early time, go to Mash’ar al Haraam (a site of the mosque in Muzdalifah) and proclaim the oneness and greatness of Allaah (by saying Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah and Allaahu akbar), and making Du’aa’ as one likes, until the whiteness of the daylight begins to appear (i.e., when the light of day appears before the sun has actually risen).

* If it is not easy to go to Mash’ar al Haraam, one should make du’aa’ from where he is. While reciting the Adhkaar and making Du’a one should raise the hands and stand facing in the direction of Kaabah.

  • LEAVE MUZDALIFAH FOR MINA – Before the sun has risen fully one should leave for Mina whilst reciting the Talbiyah. Recite Talbiyah until you stone the Jamarat al Aqabah.

  • WALKING THROUGH WADI MUHHSAR (VALLEY OF MUHHSAR) –  On the way to Mina, you would pass by the valley of Muhhsar. Speed up your walk when you pass by this valley.

  • RAMY: STONING THE JAMARAT – When you reach Mina cease to recite the Talbiyah. Go to the Jamarat al Aqabah (Al Kubra – Big Jamarat). Throw 7 pebbles successively saying Allahu Akbar each time you throw the pebbles.

* The Sunnah when stoning Jamarat al Aqabah is to face the Jamarat with Makkah to one’s left hand side and Mina to one’s right.

After stoning the Jamarah, you have an option to start with any of the following rituals: Slaughtering, Shaving Head, Making Tawaaf al Ifadah.

After finishing any two of the above rituals you may take off the Ihraam and put on your normal clothes. But do remember that at this phase all the prohibitions of Ihraam state are no longer applicable. One can resume normal life except for sexual intercourse.

  • SLAUGHTERING THE SACRIFICIAL ANIMAL – After stoning the Jamarah, one should give sacrifice and partake its meat.

* You can perform this ritual of slaughtering on any of the four days, i.e. 10th, 11th, 12th and the 13th, but not after the sunset of 13th.

  • SHAVING HEAD / TRIMMING HAIR – After slaughtering is done, one should shave his head or trim his hair though shaving is more preferred. As for the Women, they should cut the length of a fingertip from their hair.

  • TAWAAF AL-IFADAH / TAWAAF AL-ZIYARAH – After this put on perfume when one wants to go to Makkah to do Tawaaf al Ifadah.

* Perform Tawaaf & Sa’ee in the same manner as described in the Umrah section. Also offer two Rakaat Salaah behind Makaam-e-Ibraheem.

* It is usually very crowded during Tawaaf, so be patient & calm and help others.

* After finishing Tawaaf and Sa’ee then come’s the second stage of exiting Ihraam, after which everything becomes permissible which was forbidden whilst in Ihraam.

  • LEAVING MAKKAH FOR MINA – After finishing Tawaaf and Sa’ee go to spend the night in Mina.

  • NIGHT STAY IN MINA – During the stay in Mina pray the daily prayers shortened, but not combined.
  • DURATION OF STAY IN MINA – One should stay in Mina for 2 days. If one decides to stay only for 2 days then he has to leave Mina before the Maghrib, i.e. before 13th Dhul Hijjah starts. However it is highly recommended to stay for all the 3 days.

  • STONING THE JAMARAT – On each day during the stay in Mina, one should go to the Jamaraat after the mid-day, to cast the pebbles. This stoning can also be done at night to avoid crowds.
    Step 1. Start with Al Jamarah as Sughra (the smallest).
    Throw 7 pebbles successively while making Takbeer (i.e. reciting Allahu Akbar) with each pebble. Then he should go forward a little and then make his own Du’a.

    Step 2. Go to Al Jamarah al Wusta (the medium one).
    Throw 7 pebbles successively while making Takbeer with each pebble. Then he should go forward a little and then make Du’a.

    Step 3. Go to Al Jamarah al Aqaba/Kubra (the largest).
    Throw 7 pebbles successively while making Takbeer with each pebble. Do not make Du’a after this.

* This order should be followed on all the three days during the stay in Mina.

  • STAY IN MINA – During the stay in Mina apart from stoning the Jamarah, offer prayers in Masjid-e-Kh’eif with the congregation. Spend as much time as possible in praises of Allah, remembering His bounties, seeking His forgiveness (repentance). Also try to benefit from scholars by attending their lectures. This is a good time for you to ask questions and interact with them.
  • TAWAAF AL-WADA – Do not forget that you still have to make Farewell Tawaaf before you leave Makkah.

* Tawaaf al Wada is to be performed in the same manner as discussed earlier. Kindly Note there is No Ramal (brisk walk) and Idhtiba (exposing the shoulder in this Tawaaf).